Wow. What a year! Tomorrow on January 5th he will be a 3 year old! Where does the time go? Well, I've done some calculating and here is where most of it was spent:
Graeme visited 10 countries* This year. It took me until I turned thirty to reach just 4.
Graeme flew just shy of 40,000 miles - that's enough for 2 free round-trip tickets on United in the Continental USA (which we will use this summer to get from California to NJ).
Within 6 weeks he flew almost 22,000 miles, crossing the International Dateline 3 times. Think about that one for a few minutes and get back to me. I am still digesting.
Two of these trips were supposed to be in the 6 hour range and ended up taking over 20 hours to accomplish each. Graeme stood strong throughout.
Our Vietnames Christmas tree!
Total number of tantrums on all these trips? 1. It happened two nights
ago when he found out we missed our flight from Malaysia to Ho Chi Minh
City on our way home from Bali, Indonesia - he realized he'd have to
wait an extra day to open his presents that Santa left for him under the
tree in Vietnam and he melted. For a grand total of a minute or two. Then he was on to the next adventure of finding a hotel room and a ride....
Graeme swam in 5 different oceans on both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. He managed to start his snorkeling career in one as well as his wave riding career in another. He went from swim lessons to make him feel comfortable in the water to swimming clear across a pool. We don't even have to hang out with him anymore - he does his thing in the shallow end, swims out to the deep end and either back to the shallow end or to the wall. All by himself.
Look at me in the water!
Training for OB
Graeme knows how to say "Please" "Thank You" "Your Welcome" and "Hello" in 6 languages. I know adults who cannot do that in their native tongue. He has 3 or 4 on lock and can let them roll right off the tongue. We've watched him play with children from all over the world, none of them knowing each others language, and get along wonderfully. He spent a full week playing with a girl from Holland who only spoke Dutch. The Two of them played non-stop morning till night without a problem in the world. We have A LOT to learn from children.
Graeme has traveled by plane, car, truck, boat, ferry, cyclo, tuk tuk, pick up truck, scooter, bicycle, and been carried way too far in his Mother's arms for his age.
Who is driving?
Moving to Ho Chi Minh City (aka Saigon) mid-year, Graeme had to say goodbye for now to some very special people in his life. Lots of Family and Friends. None were easy to say it to but knowing we will see their smiling faces again this summer makes it easier and also gives him something spectacular to look forward to. It was difficult living with Family and Friends on both coasts of the US but exponentially difficult once you move 1/2 way across the world. Through the wonders of technology we've been able to stay in touch, see the glorious pictures of the young ones growing up, and actually see/speak to people on a more regular basis then we used to in the US via Skype, Whatsapp, Viber, Kik.
Gram-Cracker and her Greats
Who, Us?
Hangin' w/ the Dumbrill's
Pop's is tops!
This one stung....
Graeme started the year on a cruise with Erin's extended Family (4 generations!) through Mexico, Belize and Roatan. So much fun! Also along were Erin's sisters soon to be (and now) husband's Family, the Shumacher's. Followed shortly by a great visit from his Grandparents from NJ for his 2nd Birthday - Garbage Truck themed of course and soon thereafter a visit from his Aunt Donna Uncle Keith Cousins Noah and Sammy - all from NJ....
Dad's lock up your daughters!
Graeme had to say goodbye to one of the most dearest people to his heart this year. Erin's Grandmother, Thelma Dumbrill passed away from cancer. She was one of the few people to make Graeme belly-laugh and could soothe him like no other. I pitied you if you were in the way between Graeme and Thelma when she saw him - within milliseconds each time he was in her arms either laughing away or snuggling up. I know she hated this picture but I adore it so, Thelma I've got the call here! Graeme speaks to her out loud whenever we visit a temple....
They do!
On a major high Graeme was honored to be a part of his Aunt B and Uncle J's wedding! And what a wedding it was! The crew (they know who they are) outdid themselves this time and not a detail was missed. Such an extravaganza complete with fireworks! Graeme did his best with a bit of jet-lag and managed to make it to the end and somehow end up naked in the pool!
So, how do you end a year like this? Well, of course, with a 3 week trip to Bali, Indonesia! Selfishly, Erin and I had been wanting to go there for some time. Even so far as to try to book the trip the summer Erin was pregnant with Graeme. The doctor's said - not a good idea - so we shelved it. This year Graeme took us on our trip! A proper Bali Blog will follow (give me a bit of slack here, we just got home this morning and it took us over 20 hours to get here - was supposed to be 6, see above flight stats).
Finally, something as big as his head!
Bali Love
To finish it all off Graeme is starting the year with a new look.....actually, he's starting the year off with being able to see! We get a little carried away sometimes with the "long, blonde, surfer-dude" hairstyle thing and it gets out of control. So for all the trend-seekers out there, here is the look to follow into 2014 -
Post haircut pic w/ a classmate...
We honestly do not know how we got so lucky. This little guy has taken us so far and given us and everyone around him so much love that we cannot stand it. Please join us in wishing Graeme Robert Hawken all the best on his 3rd birthday, January 5th, 2014 - while you are at it throw a shout out to his "Poppy" Ross Johnson and his Great Grandmother "G-Nan" Thelma Dumbrill who also share the same birthday (how cool is that?!?!?!?).
If you haven't already - please hit us up for Erin's Mom's address to send us your Holiday Cards ( or )....they are coming to visit in March and can get them to us easily. We cherish those cards and photo's and many of them end up either on our Vision Board or our glass-top coffee table reminding us of all the special people in our lives.
Thanks so much for reading and look for a Bali post soon...
Hòa Bình,
The Hawken's in HCMC
*10 countries include the USA (visited from Vietnam) as well as Hong Kong and Taiwan (extended layovers that included some major play sessions with kids from somewhere in Asia, never got to find out exactly). He's 2 so long layovers count. He can adjust the number when he's older.